Namaste !
The Rainbow Family of Living Light exists since four decates and is a worldwide network of people that walk freely on the path of life and spiritual light in harmony and coexistance with Nature - Earth. All the creatures of the Earth share equally the same planet Gaia and noone worth more or less than another! Life is provided Free and in Abundance to All creatures: plants, animals, birds, fishes, humans!
If you don't know enough about the way we are funktion and our agreed consensuses, please read here about the nature of the Rainbow Family of Living Light's Gatherings.
Infos in different countries/languages:
Communication with the Family in Hellas: foculizer@yahoo.gr
Consensus was reached!
Balkan Gathering 2014
will take place in HELLAS!
The Balkan Rainbow Gahering in Hellas 2014, will be
31 May - 28 June,
for instruction and travel infos contact please
More Nature soon.
Much love on your way and see you SOON in MOTHER NATURE!
Happy Trails!
Rainbow Survival Guide

Please share!
Rainbow Awareness Guide

Please share
Send your question to the Hellenic Family
Communicate with WEB Hellenic Focalizer with following email: (copy&paste this addresses using "@" instead of "-AT-")
"greek focalizer" foculizer-AT-yahoo.gr
We, who are brothers & sisters, children of God, families of life on earth, friends of nature & of all people, children of humankind calling ourselves Rainbow Family Tribe, humbly invite:
All races, peoples, tribes, communes, men, women, children, individuals -- out of love.
All nations & national leaders -- out of respect
All religions & religious leaders -- out of faith
All politicians -- out of charity
for being on this planet together
We are part of the Earth and the Earth is part of us.
Earth does not belong to the man.
Man belongs to the Earth.
As long as we continue to feed on sick soils,
the SPIRIT will not have the energy food to be free
from the limits of our material bodies.
[Nah-mas-tay] sanskrit:
My soul recognizes your soul, I honor the light, love, beauty, truth and kindness within you becouse it is also within me, in sharing these things there is no distance and no difference between us, we are the same, we are one.
Disclaimer : All texts are personal opinions. No individual or entity had or has the right to speak/write on behalf of the Rainbow Family of Living Light. European Family's Internet Consensus is still against Internet. The information on this webpage is to encourage mouth-to-mouth information spreading, which is the basic and the real way of the family, and NOT to replace it.